Vendor Information
Register online or by contacting our Sales Team today!
The Home & Garden Planning Committee is accepting reservations for exhibit booths with a $100 deposit per booth. The total cost per booth is $400 each.
Complete the online contract to reserve a booth now. If you prefer to speak to our Sales Team, please email us at or leave a voicemail at (719) 626-1434.
Need to pay your deposit or balance?
Click here to open and pay via credit card in a new window.
Booth Location
Please be sure to note your preferred booth location within the contract. Locations are assigned by the Sales/Logistics Committee, who will make every effort to give you your preferred spot. Please be aware we are working on a “first come, first served” basis, using the date of receipt of your signed contract with deposit when making these decisions.
Each booth includes: electricity, pipe & drapes, two folding chairs, one folding table for each 10′ x 8’ space
Booth Costs
Single booth : 10′ x 8’ . . . . $400.00
Double booth: 20′ x 8’ . . …$800.00
Triple booth: 30′ x 8’ . . . . . $1,200.00
Exhibitors will be in both the North and South Buildings at the Fairgrounds.